The answers from futurist speakers… questions asked by the audience at the events I spoken at.

Futurist speakers, After each keynote session I receive a bunch of questions from the audience. As I started to write about this to try to help you in one of the newsletters I was thinking; how I could address all of the questions one by one? And so I started to have a look at this from your point of view…

futurist speakers

What more would I be interested in if I was sitting in the audience as a speaker?

You could see this as a sort of FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions, but I like to see it more as a guide or bullet list of steps for you to consider.

The list is long and the questions are many, so instead of sending them all in an email, I decided to make it into this blog post that goes into these questions in more details.

In this post you find information, advice, and ideas that will be of great help for you, no mater what thought process the keynote presentation might have started for you.

The answers differ, and the more I talk with someone, the closer I can get to understanding what their interests are. I can also see what knowledge would of help to reach their goals faster. By talking with more and more people, groups start to form with people looking for similar things.

So as a first step, I created this simple checklist as an attempt to target each and every one in the audience in this first introduction newsletter. I will be sharing the next step with you, with even more valuable insights and fresh ideas that help you break through boundaries and limitations.

futurist speakers

Here follows the list and think of this as me trying to answer an emotion or state of mind , that I often hear from attendees :

- You opened my mind, and now I can’t close the door. I want more, and I want to work more with myself.

Then there are two answers or options to start with:

  1. Get my book… ‘Hacking my destiny’


  2. Get started by scheduling a first mentor introduction session with me.

- Super interesting and I have so many great ideas in my head. But how or where do I get started?

The answer in this case would probably be to schedule a workshop or a mentor session together.

- I'm thinking of starting my business, but I don't have much time.

To start I can recommend you to read the book ‘The Lean Startup’ by Eric Ries. You can find it here:

- I like to do something on my own, as I'm considering starting my own company but where do I start?

Why don’t you look at ‘Online business model canvas?

You can access it for free on:

futurist speakers

- We need you at my company

Schedule a meeting with me so that we can have a video call and discuss your current situation on this link:

- I feel it was above my level of knowledge, with too many terms and acronyms that I did not understand.

As you are not alone, and I meet people on a daily basis that feel just like you. I understand the problem for sure, this world has so many terms and acronyms making it difficult for many people to follow when it becomes to technical.

So i created a sourcebook, lexicon, or thesaurus which you can find here:

- I represent a larger group and like to work with you but how and what can you do for us?

For these type of situations, I have created a menu, just like if you were to go to a restaurant and chose your three-course dinner. I created this to help people understand my full capacity and as all organizations and situations are different to each other we need to find that right corner puzzle piece that fit your need. In the menu, I am sure you can find several puzzle pieces that are a good fit for your need.

But just like any fine dining experience I like to guide you through the menu, so please schedule a time that fit your calendar here so that we can go through the options together:

- I want you to run a VIP session at our company

First of all the VIP sessions are something that has proven super valuable, especially at events and larger organizations. Where there are many different agendas and areas. Together we work through it all and record time identify a number of key areas that we dig deeper into.

The result has always been of extreme value to the attendees and helped them make wise decisions. Schedule your intro meeting to plan for your VIP session here:

- I would like you to do a keynote at our event or company. How can we book you?

Futurist speakers, I always want to understand your goal and plan for the event so that we can make sure that we make the most out of it. Schedule a meeting so that we can have a conversation about it all here:

futurist speakers

- Just give me more of what you got

To get more I suggest that you follow me on several social media platforms as I tend to share different content on different platforms. Again to focus on the client, expectations and the type of persona that we reach per platform.

The link to my social media accounts are here:





If you feel you are not one of the above, then please reach out to me and tell me what you are looking for so that I can see if I am the right person to help you succeed and proceed with new tools and inspiration or if someone in my network might be a better fit for you.

futurist speakers

Its up to you now, don’t be passive and wait for better times to happen on its own. Take action and let's get the conversation started! futurist speakers. The present world needs more top futurist speakers.


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